Buyers And Lessees Of Defective Vehicles: Two Recourse Options

Under California Lemon Law, consumers who have purchased or leased vehicles that exhibit continuous defects are entitled to legal recourse. An experienced California Lemon Law attorney can help you understand your options and what might be best for your claim. There are two types of relief options consumers with presumed or classified defective cars, trucks, SUVs and RVs can choose: vehicle replacement or refund.

Options For Defective Purchased Vehicles

1. A refund

Consumers who have purchased a defective vehicle that is deemed a lemon can choose to obtain a refund for their lemon. Consumers can receive:

  • The balance of the auto loan
  • Refund of the down payment
  • Refunds of past monthly payments on the auto loan
  • Refunds of sales tax and registration fees
  • Repair costs, rental car fees and tow truck expenses

2. A vehicle replacement

Consumers who have purchased a vehicle that is deemed a lemon can also opt for a replacement. They are entitled to receive a vehicle substantially identical to the vehicle replaced, less an offset for their use before discovering the defect.

Buyers who opt for a replacement can also seek a reimbursement for expenses incurred with the previous, defective car including but not limited to repair costs, rental car costs and towing expenses.

Options For Defective Leased Vehicles

1. A refund

Like purchasers, consumers who have leased a defective vehicle can opt to receive a refund. Lessees are entitled to a reimbursement for the:

  • Down payment amount
  • Remaining lease payments on the contract
  • Prior monthly lease payments
  • Sales tax and registration fees
  • Repair costs, rental car fees and tow truck expenses

2. A vehicle replacement

Lessees who have leased a lemon can also choose the replacement option. They are entitled to receive a substantially identical vehicle and enter into the same lease agreement. Lessees can also seek reimbursement for repairs, rental car costs and other expenses incurred with the previous vehicle.

Let Our Lawyers4Lemons Help You — At No Cost To You

Although pursuing either of these options may seem straightforward, the importance of seeking help from a lemon law lawyer to ensure you recover or receive what you are rightfully owed under the law is important.

Reaching out to our California Lemon Law attorney team at The Ledbetter Law Firm, APC, is a good first step. Our help will cost you nothing. Under the law, manufacturers are responsible for paying attorney fees incurred with lemon law litigation.

Call 800-584-3027 or contact us online to set up an appointment to talk about how our experienced lawyers4lemons can help you. Over-the-phone consults provided.

Serving consumer located in Los Angeles and throughout Southern California.